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Cannot delete files in "Disk Usage"

Asked by
Ivan Jensen
2017/03/09 18:09
0 Like It
In "Disk Usage" I mark the files I want to delete and press "Remove Files". The the program freezes in "Removing Files"
Operating System:
Mac OS
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Answered by
Lokesh Yadav
2017/04/22 13:23
Hi Ivan,

I assume that you are asking about Reviversoft product. You can try any Reviversoft product as a free tool to quickly scan your PC to identify out of date and obsolete drivers.

So you can download the free, trial version of product like Driver Reviver and use it but for limited functionality such as showing the outdated drivers in your PC.

The free, trial version allows you to perform a full system scan to see if there are any driver updates available for your computer.

You can only use the features are which are present in the free trial, for using more features you need to unlock them by buying the product.

You will need to purchase a license code for Driver Reviver to be able to download and install the driver updates available for your computer.

If you were asking about any other software, I need little more information like Software Name and version to be able to assist you.

I hope this helps.



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